
Tuesday 20 September 2011



This Photo was captured on Sunday Morning at 6:30 AM from my balcony. This looks like Sunset but the fact is its SUNRISE 

Monday 19 September 2011

Sunday 18 September 2011

The Birds 2

The Pictures Of Birds Continued....
 Meanwhile did you all try to catch a bird ?
If not, then try it today!!! 

Thursday 15 September 2011


Cute Birds, 
 This Picture was taken at one of my friend's (Samith) home.

 Its fun to hold a bird in hand. 

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Unkown Fly

This Fly looks like a Butterfly, But the Secrets about it are not yet Revealed. Its more towards a wild Fly, very strong compared to other Flies.

- Click on the image for Quality

Monday 12 September 2011


  Spidy in WEB,                                               This amazing Picture was captured on Valentines day aka Founder's Day of our Institution. One of My Friend Mr Wilbur D'souza is a Witness.
Tell me something About this picture.
- Click On the picture for Quality

Sunday 11 September 2011


The crabs are freshwater, terrestrial or semi-terrestrial species, they are found throughout the world's tropical and semi-tropical regions. This Image was captured at a beach in Mukka near Suratkal, Mangalore India.

-Click on the Imnage for good Quality

Saturday 10 September 2011


The Beaches are the result of wave action by which WAVES or CURRENTS move "sand" or other loose particles. The Beaches are habitats with organisms adapted to salt spray. This Sunset view was taken at NITK Beach, Suratkal, Mangalore, India

6:00 PM

Here you can see the unique atmospheric conditions such as the often intense orange and red colors of the sun, surrounding the Sky

6:30 PM

Friday 9 September 2011


These are all tiny Spiders. By looking at the images it is clear that initially the spider's are colourless. 



Here we can see the same spider in different backgrounds.
1-Near operating System Book
2-On the air

Thursday 8 September 2011

Sunset Today

5:30 PM
5:45 PM
  Click on Image For Quality

6:00 PM
During Sunset from my balcony. Sunset creates unique atmospheric conditions such as the often intense orange and red colors of the Sun and the surrounding sky.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

The Pigeon

A picture taken using a "Russian Binocular and Canon Powershot 1100 IS". This picture was taken by holding my camera lens as Input to the binocular lens. In this image the Pigeon is trying to hide its egg from else eyes. The care that it takes until the egg hatches is simply Marvelous.

In the second Picture the Egg is Visible clearly.

- Click on The image for QUALITY

Sunday 4 September 2011


One of the Toughest picture to capture. This is one of the click's that inspired me for photography. If someone can Capture a photo like this, then he can called as a professional.

- click on the picture for Higher resolution 


Bonnet Macaque
This is a Species of Monkey called "Bonnet Macaque" which stores all Eatables that is available for it. And then swallows when its hungry. In this Image as you can see it has already eaten 2 banana's which is stored at the neck part. These species are seen in South India

-click on the Picture for a quality Image

Saturday 3 September 2011


There you go. I killed that Mosquito. It never knew I was behind It. A small revenge for not letting me to sleep last Night.

Thursday 1 September 2011


This is a Front view and Top view of the butterfly that just manged to rest on my hand for a while. As soon as it saw the Flash of the camera it flew Off. But I somehow managed to take a snap. So tell me something about this snap...
-Click on the Picture for better Quality

Wednesday 31 August 2011


There is a Wasp that bit me, then i realized that there was a HIVE near my window. I shooed it off and it fell on the floor. I took out my camera and got started with photography. One of it is ready to fly with wings wide open.

Tuesday 30 August 2011


The Signature Concept:
Now in this photograph I have written my Signature using a matchstick. This was possible for me to give Creative signature because I changed my shutter speed to 10 seconds. Which means my Camera lens will be Open for 10 seconds after I Click. Thus whatever we do in those 10 seconds will be recorded and finally it makes a image with the moving object. In this case my hand was moving so I could easily sign on air and camera made a photo of out of it.
               But the changing of shutter speed is possible only in canon and Nikon higher end camera's. Thus those who have canon or Nikon camera's please try this innovative idea's.

Spider Concept

My Spider Concept is as Follows:

As you start observing this picture you can see that only the spider is been highlighted and the background is blurred. This is because the Camera was switched to the Portrait mode and was set to a Macro Type. What happens here is the nearest thing to the lens gets highlighted and other background objects are blurred.

             Now we know that the Camera has no subconscious mind. So the camera clicks the photos as the User directs. Take one more example: First step is you take a pen in ur Hand and stand in your Balcony. Hold the pen such that it will hav a building or a tree in its background. Now what you have to do is keep Staring at the pen for 1 minute. Then you wil realize that even our eyes which was focussing at the pen and the Background objects (Tree or building) was automatically blurred. Now Next step is look at the tree for a minute, then you wil realize that your Pen was automatically blurred. So our "eye's works as similar as a camera but gets adjusted as required by our subconscious mind".


This Image was  Clicked at 5am from our Balcony ie. during the Sunrise.
- Portrait Mode
- Single Shot
- Weighted at Top
- Without Flash
- ISO 1400
- Shutter speed 1/10 sec
- Note: first set your Camera to Infinity Mode before clicking a picture in Portrait Mode.

Monday 29 August 2011

Cockroach baby

Picture Captured on
"Canon PowerShot A1100 IS" @

- Macro Zoom
- 1/2 Feet distance
- Top View
- ISO 250
- Weighted Near legs
- Single Shot
- 12 MP
- Normal Colour
- White Balanced

- ShutterSpeed 1/60th sec

- click on the picture for zoom


 Picture Captured on
"Canon PowerShot A1100 IS" @
- Macro
- 1 Feet distance
- Front View
- ISO 400
- Weighted spot
- Single Shot
- 12 MP
- Normal Colour
- White Balanced

- ShutterSpeed 1/20th sec

- click on the picture for zoom

Black Ants

A Picture Captured on "Canon Power Shot A1100 IS" @

- Top View
- ISO 200
- Weighted Center
- Single Shot
- 12 MP
-  Normal Colour 
- Daylight
- ShutterSpeed 1/40 sec